[建筑师]的目标和成就不仅仅是一个可以毫无保留地爱的教堂, but the realization of “a love for Divine Perfection.”

A Building To Love Without Reserve1

That was the goal of the Chapel’s donor, William Gwynn Mather, 1877届毕业生,而被选中实现这一崇高成就的建筑师是菲利普·休伯特·弗罗曼, principal architect of the Washington National Cathedral. In creating the Trinity College Chapel, Frohman sought not merely the enclosure of space, but the realization of a timeless “four-dimensional” work of art. Frohman said: “By the disposition of its material substance, 它必须以一种能对进入它的人产生影响的方式将他们封闭起来, 这将使他们的灵魂感受到非物质的存在和现实,这是凡人的眼睛无法看到的.”2 弗罗曼的目标和成就不仅仅是一个可以毫无保留地爱的教堂, but the realization of “a love for Divine Perfection.”3

博彩平台网址大全教堂是未完成的杰作,也是美国哥特式复兴的最后一次开花. Soaring to a height of 163 feet, 它是世界上最伟大的神圣建筑之一,也是哈特福德天际线上备受喜爱的地标. 它的设计融合了11世纪到15世纪最优秀的建筑元素, it is an original work of art in which no imitation or copying occurs. It is an American original. Frohman declared: “In the years to come, 尤其是当教堂的内部装饰完美无缺的时候, 我们希望每一位对最终结果负有责任的人都能像(哈佛大学)校长艾略特在授予奥古斯都·圣高登荣誉学位时所说的那样:

‘He did not count the mortal years it takes to mould immortal forms.’”4

1博彩平台网址大全档案:威廉·格温·马瑟致Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby, President of Trinity College: 16 May 1929.

2 Files of the Clerk of the Works Canon Richard T. 费勒,华盛顿国家大教堂:菲利普·休伯特·弗罗曼一篇文章的未注明日期的手稿.


国家大教堂档案馆:菲利普·休伯特·弗罗曼致总统Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby: 1933年3月24日.

Chapel FAQ

整个建筑是由承重的砖混和石头基础建造的, a core of brick, an exterior surface of Indiana limestone, and an interior surface of Indiana limestone and plaster. 外部屋顶是石板和铜,没有隐藏的钢支撑. 整个教堂都是按照中世纪的建造方式建造的.


The length is 178’ 9”; the height of the tower is 163’; the width of the Choir is 33’ 6”; the interior height of the Choir is approximately 62’; the greatest width is 110’ 5.5”.

Yes. There is a carillon of 59 bells, cast by the John Taylor & Co. foundry of Loughborough, England. 最重的波登钟重达5600磅,调到B自然档. 在钟楼的钟楼下面还有一个空间,可以用来敲响尚未实现的钟声(10或12个).

The Chapel has not one, but two pipe organs. The four-manual organ at the west end of the chapel, beneath the rose window, was made by the Austin Organ Company of Hartford (opus 2536—1972 & 2013); it contains 4,416 pipes. 在地下教堂里,有一个尼科尔森设计的五档机械风琴 & Co., of Malvern, England.

No. 无论你在哪里看到钻石图案的玻璃(称为“采石场”),那都是“临时玻璃”.“这些窗户还没有安装合适的彩色玻璃, 13th-century style glass in the tower, 以及唱诗班和圣所中较轻的英国14和15世纪风格的玻璃.

大萧条对教堂的建设造成了严重影响, and much of its decorative scheme remains unfinished to this day. The list of unfinished projects is extensive, 但这里可能有一些:建筑周围都是尚未雕刻的石灰岩(最明显的是在塔楼的四个角尖塔的顶部),这些石灰岩尚未雕刻, along with the uncarved shields on the tower; a carved inscription has yet to be rendered at the base of the tower; bays of wooden professorial stalls for the main Choir have yet to be created; stained glass windows, screens, chandeliers, and other decorative elements also have yet to be created. 幸运的是,我们拥有几乎所有这些项目的蓝图或设计, 从而确保我们按照菲利普·弗罗曼的理念和意图精心完成建筑.

2015年,圣博彩平台网址大全获得了St. John’s Church, Bowdoin Street, Boston. 这是学院历史上最伟大的艺术遗产之一. 这些精美的艺术作品的结合将大大促进建筑的完成,所有这些艺术作品都与教堂建筑师的计划和意图相一致. The gilt and polychromed altar and reredos (i.e., 最近安装在较小的“完美友谊教堂”的装饰雕刻墙就是这些礼物之一. 它是由拉尔夫·亚当斯·克拉姆设计的,当时博彩平台网址大全教堂正在建造中. 克拉姆与菲利普·弗罗曼(Philip Frohman)同时代,可以说是美国最重要的哥特式复兴建筑师和理论家. Five more gifts of outstanding quality await conservation and ultimate installation: a rood screen by Ralph Adams Cram; a great rood (hanging crucifix) by Henry Vaughan; seven antique sanctuary lamps of Italian provenance; and, most importantly, 由拉尔夫·亚当斯·克拉姆和马丁·割草机设计的高祭坛装饰——它将完全覆盖东窗下高祭坛上方的墙壁. 这幅由马丁·莫厄(Martin mower)绘制的描绘基督威严的金色镶板画目前悬挂在高祭坛上方, 等待着自己的保护,最终是克拉姆周围的镀金木材和彩色雕像.